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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Z Hunter - War of The Dead v1.3.3 [Mod Money/Ad-Free]

Z Hunter - War of The Dead v1.3.3 [Mod Money/Ad-Free]

Requirements: 2.3+
Overview: “Humanity has been destroyed and your duty as an ex-marine is clear: seek and destroy all zombies and save the few remaining survivors.

This first-person perspective game with spectacular visual environments and realistic features will give you the sensation of being in a world overtaken by zombies!

Reload!, take aim! and execute every zombie preying on humans! Check out the best Zombie Sniper game for FREE now!

------------------ FEATURES --------------------

- Over 150 missions, having four different modes to choose from: campaign, where are the zombies, weapon test and superzombies

- Spectacular environments, becoming more destroyed and infected by zombies the further you get in the game.

- Use latest generation power ups like the radar to easily locate the most hidden zombies.

- Changing weather conditions. If it’s difficult by day, you can’t even imagine hunting zombies by night or in the rain.

- Find the zombies by listening doubly surround with your stereos, it will make it even more excited to play!

- Intuitive and fully configurable controls to suit to each player’s preferences.

- Spectacular ragdoll effects and action cameras.

- Choose powerful weapons, from machine guns to snipers to unleash hundreds of bullets or bazookas, which enable massive wide scale destruction.

What's New
- Secondary Missions Added: "Where are the Zombies"
- New Weapons Added (M6 Elite, M14 Elite & Q95)
- Now you can unlock the map using the notes
- Tutorial improved
- Facebook login fixed
- Other minor bugs fixed

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